The Best Fast Growing Trees for Privacy


Homeowners around Australia revel in the opportunity to soak up the sun outdoors, but usually don’t want their privacy invaded by neighbours or passersby, whether it’s intentional or not. If you enjoy sitting out on your porch or verandah, hosting garden picnics, or playing on the lawn with family, then we have the perfect solution to privacy-proof your yard.

Planting trees is a great way to limit the view from the street or other homes into your property. Not only this, but including trees in your landscaping can add a stunning dimension to your outdoor space, enhancing the overall aesthetic. Most trees can take 20 to 40 years to reach maturity, but others have a speedier race to the top of the treeline. If time is of the essence and you don’t want to wait decades for a tall tree to grow, here are some top picks for fast growing trees that will provide you with privacy, shade, and a windbreak in no time!

Our Favourite Fast Growing Trees

Bald Cypress (taxodium distichum)

This deciduous conifer is native to North America, but grows beautifully in many parts of Australia. If your soil is on the wet side, then this tree will likely thrive, sprouting green needle-like foliage that turns a beautiful red in late autumn. Bald cypress grows around 18 to 24 inches each year, and can eventually reach heights of 100 feet and 40 feet in width.

Cottonwoods (populus deltoides)

This is another good choice for areas that experience wet weather, and for homes along rivers. That being said, they need well-drained soil to thrive, as well as a spot in either full sun or partial shade. Cottonwoods grow particularly quickly at 3 to 4 feet per year, but this can also cause their wood to be quite brittle. If you care for your cottonwood well, you can enjoy a 70 foot privacy screen by the time the tree reaches maturity.

Lombardy Poplars (populus nigra)

Another species in the cottonwood family, lombardy poplars can soar up to 6 feet each year until they reach 50 feet in height. This tree originated in Italy, and similar to cottonwoods, grows well in wet regions of Australia. The downside to these, however, is that they can be prone to diseases and welcoming to pests. As long as you inspect and tend to your trees frequently to keep problems at bay, a few of these narrow trees combined will make for the perfect privacy screen.

Chinese Tallow Tree (sapium sebiferum)

The Chinese tallow tree is a leafy green that grows to form an encapsulating canopy of shade. If this sounds just right for your yard, then you’ll need to find a well-drained soil spot with full sun to allow the tree to reach its full potential of 40 feet, growing 12 to 18 inches per year. With flowers and fruit blossoming and falling from the tree, you’ll probably want to plant it away from your deck or patio where the petals can build up!

Dawn Redwood (metasequoia glyptostroboides)

If you’ve got a large yard, then the colossal dawn redwood might make for an awe-inspiring addition. The evergreen tree usually grows to 80 feet tall and 25 feet wide at a rate of 2 feet annually. Dawn redwoods are commonly viewed as ornamental fast growing conifers that fare best in wet soil and fun sunlight.


Dawn Redwood

Fast Growing Tree Tips to Keep in Mind

Before you dig in to adding new growth to your garden, there are a few things you should be aware of.

Placement planning

While smaller shrubs, flowers, and hedges are relatively safe to plant wherever you please, tall trees can pose issues in some areas. To avoid interfering with anything important, keep clear of lampposts and overhead wires, as well as septic lines and pathways. You’d be surprised how much damage tree roots can cause if they grow too close!

Ongoing maintenance

Fast growing trees don’t tend to be as strong as others, and high winds and storms can threaten breakage. To help protect your tree, your home, and your neighbours, frequent pruning is important to take care of any branches that may break away during bad weather.

To help keep your trees healthy, make sure you know how to apply mulch properly, too! Caring for trees is a year-round task, so you should also keep up to date with how to look after them throughout Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.

Shorter lifespan

Oftentimes, trees that grow quickly start to decline as soon as they reach maturity. If you want a tall tree that stands the test of time, then playing the long game and planting a regular tree might be a better option. If you’re happy with a more limited lifespan, then a fast growing tree is the way to go.


While we’re on the topic of fast growing screening trees, there are also a number of hedges that offer privacy and shade, too. Here are some of the most popular hedges for privacy, along with some quick facts on each:

Lilly pilly (yzygium smithii)

  • Grows up to 5 metres
  • Features small pink berries
  • Thrives in cooler climates

Photinia robusta

  • Reaches 5 metres in height
  • Has dark green leaves, vibrant red new growth, and delicate white flowers
  • Favours full sun and partial shade, and is drought tolerant


  • Stands at 3.5 metres tall
  • Ideally planted in areas with a mild climate
  • A pleasantly fragrant plant thanks to its white flowers

Little gem magnolia

  • A popular screening plant in Australia
  • Grows up to 4 metres tall and 2.5 metres wide
  • Ideally positioned in full sun or partial shade and well-drained soil

a large tree with green leaves and tree roots exposed

Get Help From Jim’s

At Jim’s Trees, our experts can help you out with whatever you need for your trees. Whether it’s pruning, mulching, or any of our other services, just contact us to see how we can help you find the perfect privacy and shade solutions for your yard!