The most common large trees in Australia


Australia is home to a diverse range of trees, both native and introduced. However, when it comes to thinking of trees with impressive heights, North America and their iconic Redwoods often spring to mind. But the Australian Mountain Ash (Eucalyptus regnans) is the second tallest growing tree species in the world. 

Australia has various large tree species spread across all states and territories. These large trees filter noise and UV rays, provide protection against extreme weather and prevent soil erosion. They are also a key force in slowing the effects of climate change. 

There are plenty of large tree species, but what are some of Australia’s most common?

Blue Gum

There are approximately 700 known species of eucalypts ranging from small 10m to very tall at over 60m. The most popular species of eucalypts is the Blue Gum (Eucalyptus globulus) which is native to the Southwest of Australia and Tasmania. It has now been introduced and planted across the globe due to its high growth and ability to adapt to various climates. But, it is now considered an invasive species in California due to its highly flammable nature.

It’s blue-grey colouring and recognisable scent has made the Blue Gum an Australian icon. The Blue Gum’s towering height and strong root system is best suited for forests or less densely populated areas.

Moreton Bay fig

The Moreton Bay Fig (Ficus macrophylla) is instantly recognisable by its unique trunk and buttress roots. The large, thick roots support the Moreton Bay to grow to heights of 60m. Native to Eastern Australia, they are now popular in warmer climates overseas such as Spain, Malta, Italy and California. Their large and aggressive root system makes them ideal for large spaces so we wouldn’t recommend planting this one in your back garden.

Lemon-Scented Gum

The Lemon-Scented Gum (Eucalyptus Citriodora) gets its name from its distinctive scent. Native to northern Queensland, the Lemon-Scented Gum is now found across temperate regions across Australia and can withstand various soil types. The Gum is commonly used in Citronella production, an essential oil which is effective in repelling mosquitoes, as well as timber production.


The papery thick bark of a PaperBark Tree (Melaleuca) is immediately noticeable. Growing up to 35m, PaperBarks are popular in gardens due to being an attractive food source for insects, birds and mammals. PaperBarks also have beautiful flowers with a diverse range of colours including yellow, white, red, pink and occasionally purple.

Bunya Pine

The Bunya Pine (Araucaria bidwillii), sometimes known as the false monkey puzzle tree, can grow up to 45m. It is sadly the last surviving species from the Bunya section of the genus Araucaria. The Bunya Pine produces edible kernels in large ripe cones that, after being boiled or roasted in a fire, are similar in taste to the chestnut.