Is Banding Trees to Prevent Possum Damage Necessary?

Ever seen a tree fashioning a cool belt? It’s more than just a snazzy accessory, tree banding is a great way to prevent possum damage to your trees. But what is tree banding? And is it really necessary in order to protect your tree from pesky possums? The knowledgeable team at Jim’s Trees breaks down the technique for tree banding and why it can be effective in the struggle against possums.

How possums can damage your trees

Even though many possums are native to Australia, such as the Brushtail Possum, they are still regarded as a pest by many gardeners and property owners. Possums can cause havoc to your trees and property if left to run rampant. As they make their home within your trees and feast on the fruit and leaves, possums can not only cause a big mess, but they can also kill your tree by depriving it of photosynthesis. 


Because of the headaches they cause, it’s easy to see why many people are keen to get rid of possums. However, they are protected under Australian law meaning you are unable to interfere, harm or kill possums. Attempting to trap and relocate possums creates significant issues with territorial disputes and will likely just attract more possums to your trees. So, how do you deal with possums taking up residence within your trees?

What is tree banding?

The most effective way to get rid of possums to prevent them from making their home in your trees. Tree banding (also known as possum banding or possum guard) is a technique which prevents possums from climbing trees from the ground by covering the trunk with a polycarbonate wrap. This band makes it difficult for the possum to easily access your tree, and is durable to withstand the elements. 

Is tree banding bad for your trees? 

If applied correctly, tree banding to prevent possums will not damage your trees. Tree banding is intended to extend the life of your tree and ensure it is in good health. As your tree grows, your band should ‘pop-off’ which indicates you need to replace your band and prevents girdling or ring-barking. Tree banding will also only be effective if other surrounding trees are banded as possums will access banded trees through the canopy. 

How to band your trees

The key to ensuring that your possum banding is effective in protecting your trees is to ensure it is applied by a professional arborist. Otherwise, you may run the risk of causing damage to your tree as the band can girdle the trunk which will kill your tree. Attempting to install the band on your tree yourself can also run the risk of being ineffective, if you use the wrong materials or incorrectly place it. 

To discuss your tree banding requirements, get in touch with the professional arborists at Jim’s Trees. We have the right training and materials to band your trees and help prevent them being damaged by possums.