What is the difference between tree pruning and tree lopping?

If you are new to tree maintenance, you may be wondering what the difference is between pruning and lopping. It’s not uncommon for people to conflate the two terms, but pruning and lopping are different tree services which have their own unique benefits and applications. It can be difficult to understand which is which and what service may be best suited for your tree. The experienced arborists at Jim’s Trees explain what tree pruning and lopping are, how they are different and which service your tree may require. 

What is tree pruning?

Tree pruning is a maintenance service which incorporates different methods including trimming, shaping, and the removal of unhealthy, dying or dead branches. Pruning also helps with the weight and height distribution of your tree, which can affect the growth and shape of your tree. Due to its highly hazardous nature, it is best to leave your tree pruning requirements to the experts who will safely remove any branches. 

What is tree lopping?

It’s not surprising that many people are unsure about what tree lopping is as the definition can be confusing or incorrect. Tree lopping refers to removing a section of the tree, whether that is a branch or canopy. Unlike tree removal where the entire tree is removed, tree lopping involves only removing a specific section of the tree so it can continue to grow. 

Tree pruning vs lopping 

When it comes to defining the difference between tree pruning and tree lopping, intention is key. Tree pruning is more related to the maintenance of a tree, helping it to continue to grow and retain balance. It also tends to be performed more regularly than lopping. Tree lopping is thought of as a more drastic and urgent approach to an unhealthy or hazardous tree. You will choose tree lopping over pruning if the state of your tree is radically changing and needs an emergency response. 

Is tree pruning or lopping better for your tree?

If you are wondering which tree service is best suited for your tree requirements, it’s best to seek the services of an arborist and have a professional arborist report conducted. This involves an arborist reviewing your tree, understanding its unique characteristics, environment and requirements and can then recommend the right course of action for your tree. Otherwise, if you prune your tree when lopping is required, you can run the risk of your tree becoming dangerous, spreading disease, and even killing your tree. Choosing a lopping service over pruning can be unnecessary and potentially disrupt the growth of your tree. 


You can learn more about tree pruning and lopping, and which service is best suited for your tree by chatting to the team at Jim’s Trees. Find tree pruning specialists in your state with our professions located in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Adelaide, Hobart, Perth and Canberra

You can get in touch with us to discuss your tree requirements and how we can best help!